is a tridimensional experience; spirit, soul, and body. Sex was
designed to be an act of intimacy that was a manifestation of a blood
covenant. God provided the blood in the hymen of a women.
shares this principle with Corinthians. He writes, Do you not know that
the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He
says, "The two shall become one flesh ." (1 Corinthians 6:16 NASB).
Obviously, Paul's example is a prostitute but the principle remains the
same; sex was meant to make us one with someone. When you have
intercourse with someone then go your own way, you leave a piece of
yourself with that person and vise versa. Metaphorically, it's like
glueing two pieces of wood together and later ripping them apart. Wood
from each board remains on the other.
This results in both people not ever being whole again. Of course God
can and does supernaturally restore people to wholeness when they
repent! Yeah Jesus!
You can try and deny this reality but if
you have had sex outside of covenant, you know by experience the
struggle you are having.
Just because something is common doesn't mean it is normal!
Thank God for the Grace to restore us!!!!! - KV
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