Sunday, February 17, 2008

Feeling Emo

Yea, I'm feeling a little emo now. No Idea why, maybe the song I was listening to was emo, Icebox. Hmm, I agree with Lyd that thinking of someone you like can be fun and to me addictive as well. If only I could mediate on the word of God like this. Thinking about it day and night and keep renewing my mind to the enlightenment that God's give.

Yes, I'm hungry. I'm hungry for the WORD. I realised that I have not been fed for a long time and I have not read the Word enough to sustained. Sermon in church aint helping and I need lessons with Cheryl and David to continue this walk with my Father. I talk to Him a lot and most of the time I'm just either praising Him, thanking Him or lamenting to Him. Its so like one sided. I dont know. And most of the time I'm actually thinking about the 'ideal' wife and when something like strikes me, I'll be like, "Hey Father, you know what I'm thinking right? Is that what you want for me too?" kinda thoughts. Today, the thought was, "She should compliment my weaknesses yet like-minded in our goals to serve God and give Him Glory."

My mind is in a whirl right now. I've got so many things in my head. Well I may say that I'm not worried but I'm just planning in my head my future. I've got my further studies to think about. The career that I want. Girls, yes, I'm a sucker for them and I keep thinking of their good and bad points. My NS vocation. Meeting up with friends. So many things.

Its like when I thought I got a good plan, something or someone will like question the plan and I quiver and then scrap the plan thinking that maybe its not good after all. Oh wells, I've rant enough about problems.

Today we had some Valentine game that went on in the YA. It was planned and executed by Shaun, Lydia and myself. I think it was ok. Not fabulous but good enough for the effort we put in. Lots of work went into preparing, executing and all but it was good fun doing it with Shaun and Lydia. Thank God for them. The name of the game is $h@unhopoly! (instead if monopoly). But instead of buying house and all, you move round the board and do challenges! The challenges are quite fun ok! Had a good time laughing.

After YA was vocal training. Nothing much to say. After that went to SimLim with Cheryl and Joel to buy some IT gadget and Wii games. After SimLim it was to town to meet Cass and Dan Tan. I had a good time at Mos Burger Taka. Thanks for the company guys!

I guess I really need to sit down and plan my future. Then put it at the feet of Christ and surrender it all to Him. Or I do nothing and wait for Him to show me His plan and call me to do His will.


C said...


Lydia said...

finally an update. well shouldnt you be asking God for His plans for you before planning it yourself?

Vin- said...

I dont know which is first you see. Like the chicken or the egg. I might have a plan in my mind, but is that mine or something that God has given? Anyway, I'm still confused about what I wanna do. Seriously.