Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day Trip : JB! (Part 1)

So the gang went to JB! Yup we just printed out the bus number that takes us to the places we wanted to go and off we went!

We met at 9.30am opposite Little India MRT station to take 170 to Larkin. This bus would travel all the way through Bukit Timah Road to Woodlands.

We reached the causeway at approximately 10am. The Woodlands Checkpoint is air-conditioned and we were cleared through very fast.

-note: when taking public bus to M'sia, please get through the customs fast or else you'll end up like us.

After we were cleared at the customs, we went down to find the bus we took. But its was gone! We took too long at the customs and ended up waiting for the next 170, it took 15mins to arrive. So we boarded the next 170 that arrive and were one our way to M'sia!

You'll know when you reach M'sia's customs. Firstly, its run down, then there is no air-conditioning. Secondly, the place is so dirty and dusty,you know its not Singapore anymore.

-note: Please try and get hold of the WHITE CARDS before reaching the M'sian customs or else you'll end up like us.

When we arrived at the M'sian customs we did not have our white cards so we went to the custom counter and asked for 3 white cards. There are platforms placed around for people to fill in the white cards. After we were done, we went to the custom counter again to have our passport stamped.

Getting out of the customs, we were suddenly disorientated. The signs were in malay, and we did not see any sign pointing us to the bus pick up area. Not only that, there were so many taxi drivers trying to pick us up. There was this one guy who came over and persistently asked where we were going. He said he could drive us to the shopping area. We replied persistently that we were looking for the bus pick up point. Then he pointed to the pick up area and said that was going to back to Singapore. So we said oh thank you but we're looking for the bus to Larkin. After a minute or so, he said, the bus to Larkin is here(that is where he said earlier that the bus is headed back to Singapore). Thanks to our persistence and training from shopping in Bangkok, we took the right bus to Larkins. But, as like before, we missed one bus and had to wait for 15mins.

Larkin Bus Terminal is not very far from the customs. But unlike Singapore where all the bus berthing area are labeled clearly where each service number is, here there is nothing. The signs told you the destination, not the service number. We took a long time here at Larkin Terminal trying to find the bus that would bring us to Jusco Aeon Tebrau City Shopping Centre.

While trying to look for the bus to Jusco Aeon Tebrau City Shopping Centre, there were lots of coach services trying to get you to buy a ticket from them. But we just ignored them. After walking about the Terminal, we saw a bus service number 227. We quickly checked our print out and YES! that bus could bring us to Jusco Aeon Tebrau City Shopping Centre.

We boarded that bus, its 3RM per person. We sat in the bus and asked some guy in the bus how long would it take to reach Jusco City Shopping Centre, he told us 10 minutes and we were so happy.

But apparently he was wrong. I guess he was referring to the City Square shopping centre which was very near the causeway. A walk away. Jusco Aeon Tebrau City Shopping Centre is about 30 minutes ride from Larkin Bus Terminal.

Finally we arrived at Jusco Aeon Tebrau City Shopping Centre!!! =)

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