Thursday, May 28, 2009


I do like Js, I seem to find one almost everywhere I go. I even talked to one just minutes ago. I need sleep now. Please win Barcelona!

KL Mission Trip 2009 - Testimony

I believe that the team would agree with me that KL Mission Trip 2009 was beyond AWESOME!

There we met God. There we worshipped God. There we ministered to others. There we prophesy. There our lives were changed.

I thank God that I was part of the team there and I thank Henry and Sarah who lead us.

I was ministered to by Sarah the first night I met her. Her prophesy encouraged me to continue my walk with God and to be prepared to impact the lives of others. She even bolldly claimed that we will all prophesy by the end of the trip. The preparation part was important and I thank Henry for making us read all the Gospel of Mark, his mission essay, slavary to sonship by sarah yang and treasure hunt. All these preparation gave me the ammunitions that I needed over there in KL.

God's goodness began when I felt His prompting to ask for anointing from my spiritual leaders, Henry and Sarah. After I did that, I began to have accurate prophesies and prayed for anointing over 2 people. As He anointed me and activated my gifts, I grew bolder and prayed for more people. The practical sessions that Sarah led gave me even more courage as what I prophesy was not only accurate but encouraging, edifying and comforting! I also asked Wan Hsi, Sarah's partner in this trip to anoint me as I looked up to her as my spiritual leader in this trip. After that when I led worship for saturday night, I felt so peaceful and calmed that I led as if I was alone in my room worshipping God. I felt God's presence so strongly that I didnt want to stop worshipping.

The highlight for me was on Sunday when we formed a fire tunnel to pray for the people in Antioch church. There God gave me so many prophetic words and images that I kept praying and prophesying over the people. It was easily more than 10 people. I also anointed many and prayed for them for almost and hour.

The hospitality that Pastor Chris and his church members showed towards us is something I feel we can never reciprocrate. But their acts of kindness and love towards our team only showed me how great and generous our God is. He is indeed Jehovah Jireh, God our provider. Everything that happened in KL is something that I would never forget. The friendship bond, the experience with God, the accelerated spiritual growth and everything else, I will hold dearly in my heart. I am now living the life of a supernatural christian where its relational, not religious.

To God be the Glory!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A certain J

Well, my facebook quiz says that the person I am in love with has a name that starts with a G. I so dont believe.

In anycase, today, I went to certain DBS branch just to try my luck. The last time I went there I saw her and she was the 'One' kinda girl and I knew it deep within me. Besides, I have a thing for girls who wear braces. I'm very sure she did though she wasnt wearing any now. Well today I went there again on the pretext that I wanna change my ATM card. Lo and behold, there she was sitting behind the counter studying. I felt embarrassed that I was tall enough to look over the counter and see her scrambling to bookmark the page and keep her highlighter. She was reading some principle on basic insurance policy or something like that.

She looked different from the last time I saw her. Then she was wearing contacts, very working class lady-like manner. Today, she was bespectacled with a sequined hairband. More like a school girl doing part time. She's pretty cute, really, pretty and cute combined into one. As I walked in she had this guilty look of being caught studying as I reach the counter. I waited for her as she packed her stuff to attend to me. and I told her my request to which she promptly executed.

It was all done in less than 10 minutes I think and I didnt know what else to say to prolong our conversation. I had no self confidence and courage to ask her out or something. Maybe its because both times I went there I was in my uniform. Right now, I am thinking of how to get back there to talk to her again. Maybe inquire about opening an account for investments or something. Anything so that I have business to be there. Maybe I should apply for a part time job there. And by the way, her name starts with J. I like Js :>

Monday, May 18, 2009

To God be the glory!

I thank God for the community of members who have been so encouraging. I thank God for answering my prayers. I thank God that when I dont feel nervous when I ought to it is because His peace has surrounded me. I thank God that even when I screw up, things still go on smoothly cause I have an amazing team that is backing me up. I thank GOd that this doesnt feel as intimidating as it should be because He has given me enough time to get ready. I thank God that He has placed models for me to follow that I might find ease as doing this. I thank God for this opportunity to honour Him in this manner. I thank God because without Him, this is not possible.

To God be the Glory!